
hold me like ya used to, hold me like a fool.

"hi, my name is heaven"

twas ana's last night in oz, and it was finally time for me to get acquainted with pancakes on the rocks. this legend in the new south wales territory and I got off to a rocky start. I attempted to eat at the establishment once before but was turned off by its diner style atmosphere and waffle house decor (not that i have anything against these types of places, lord knows i will throw down at a hole in the wall) as it did not match my expectations in the least. but a semester later, and dozens of raving reviews...we ventured to the restaurant that sits conveniently on the edge of the quay in the Rocks community.

...don't judge a book by it's damn cover.

my eating partner.

the result of jordan and i DESTROYING.

i have no idea why katie and my "nuts" continue to pop up (see cairns trip for the reference)

no joke, this was the best stack of pancakes i have ever had. jordan and i split this apple/butterscotch/cinnamon pile of godliness along with some greek savory crepes NOM.
after we went to see vivid sydney (pictures/post to come) and rooftop bar (pictures/post to come)

ana was the beginning of the end. I would be leaving 6 days later...this was the countdown. beyond sad. beyond.

[mixtape my main chick koala made for me, so i have no idea who this is]
^we should bring these back, this cd and the it's shear randomness of it makes me so happy^

psa. i have lost my love for posting/blogging...sydney really took it out of me and it has become a chore. i have 3 more australia post to finish out that 6 month adventure and then i think i will take a break for the summer. i'm lacking inspiration, and blogging meaningless ish defeats the purpose. 'preciate your patience.

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